Kailash Mansarover Yatra
Geographically, Tibet lies beyond the trans-Himalayas and has minimal rainfall and sunny days. For those traveling to Kailash region, the best time to visit is from May to September. Mid-day temperatures in this region could rise as high as 22 degrees Celsius with evening temperatures as low as 8 to 12 degrees below zero. March to November is the best time to visit central Tibet.
Those in good health should have no difficulty traveling to this region. Due to the high altitude of this area, travelers may experience the effect of altitude sickness, which is characterized by mild headaches, nausea, and loss of appetite. Altitude sickness can be reduced by frequently drinking non-alcoholic liquids such as water and juice 3 to 4 liters a day. Travelers are reminded to protect themselves from the strong sunlight which can cause sunburn. Those with health conditions including asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy and cardiac problems should seek a doctor’s approval before embarking on this journey.
The unit of currency in Tibet is the Renminbi or Yuan. as per March 2019 USA $1.00 = Chines Yuan 6.50 and Yuan 1.00 = INR 10.00. This exchange rate is subject to change. Currency can be exchanged at the Nepal & Border of Nepal & China (Tibet). INR Rs.500 & Rs.1000 INR Notes are not accepted & Illegal to Carry.
TRAVELORG will make every effort to ensure that your journey is smooth and as pleasant as possible. However, please be reminded that all programs in Tibet are strictly conducted under the rules and regulations of the Tibet Tourism Bureau. Therefore, neither TRAVELORG Or its Tibet Agent shall be responsible for any changes in the itinerary due to unavoidable circumstances including but not limited to: Government restrictions, landslides, road blockages, flooding, snowfall, political additional costs that are a result of such circumstances will be born by the travelers.
All travelers are advised to purchase travel insurance that provides care and services for sickness, accidents, emergency rescue, etc. related to international travel.
TRAVELORG shall not be responsible for the loss of personal assets and belongings of the travelers due to unavoidable reasons or mishap.
TRAVELORG only employs well-trained, responsible and capable staff that has successfully led many trips for European and Indian groups to this vast region. Each trip is staffed with an experienced guide who speaks English and Hindi, ensuring a pleasant and smooth journey for the group. TRAVELORG is committed to providing the best and reliable service for each group for this journey of a lifetime!
:: Yatra Requirement ::
All participants must provide a health certificate given by a reputed doctor confirming that the participant is fit to travel at an altitude of 5700 meters.
Please start to get in shape NOW!!! A good 30-minute walk, jogging daily, stretching and regular exercise should put you in the right shape (Concentrate on your heart, lungs & legs-Aerobics).
Please note that everybody must have a valid passport minimum of 6 months to make this travel.